My Philosophies - A Personal Statement


Educational Philosophy

When working together, I believe we must each *give* respect first - respect for the whole student, his/her challenges and gifts, his/her daily shifts and life changes. It is only when mutual respect is present that any true communication and reciprocal learning can occur. 

My experience has been that people benefit from an education that aims to stretch them a bit beyond their current capacity.

I believe in the power of integrating our learning with relationship; neurologists point to reduced cortisol, heightened brain function, and overall well-being when our learning is connected to positive experiences and growth in confidence. The one-on-one teacher-student relationship provides a unique doorway to a deeply-rooted sense of self, autonomy, and authenticity, as well as constructive practice in specific content areas. 

With my students, my intention is to guide them to focus significantly on listening, collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking.  These 21st-century skills are prized and necessary for all in a world that is rapidly changing. 


Illana Zauderer has been teaching students for decades.  She earned her BA at Stanford University and is currently a candidate for Master of Science in Education at Dominican University, with emphasis on differentiated learning for students in mathematics. Combining her key skills in the areas of Understanding by Design and compelling communication techniques, Illana helps students of all ages to meet their educational objectives. 

As an award-winning musician and a parent of two school-aged children, Illana engages the ‘whole' student and creates an environment where students feel valued and supported. Parents appreciate Illana’s common-sense approach to the education system and that she provides guidance for creating the best-possible learning environment for each child.